Indoor/Outdoor Rugs

A beautiful rug can add color, texture and character to any room in your home - and now outside your home as well. Browse our highly curated collection of indoor/outdoor rugs, with styles ranging from gorgeous patterns and calming coastal colors.

Coastal Outdoor Rugs for Entryways and Home Décor

For high-traffic areas like kitchens, entryways and outdoor patio spaces, choosing a rug made from sturdy, easy-to-clean materials ensures it will hold up under the elements. The best part is that you don't need to sacrifice style for durability. Constructed with yarn made partially of recycled plastics, these hybrid indoor-outdoor rugs are crafted to last.

From classic nautical stripes to woven fibers, our rug collection offers a range of patterns, colors, styles and dimensions to complement every space. Sizes start at 2' x 3' for coastal outdoor rugs that can be used as timelessly styled doormats. Enjoy a broad range of rug sizes fit for any outdoor space.