Our Cause

In the United States today, one child out of six lives in poverty. Families with children make up 35% of the people in this country who experience homelessness. At Cailíní Coastal, we love helping our customers turn their homes into beautiful retreats for their families. We care deeply about those families…as well as those families currently trying and hoping to secure the basic human need of simply having a place to call home. That’s why Cailíní Coastal has partnered with Family Promise – a national non-profit that helps low-income families and families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
Since its founding more than 30 years ago, Family Promise has provided shelter, meals, homelessness prevention services, case management, and stabilization support to nearly one million families nationwide. They also work to keep families together during this most difficult time in their lives; mothers becoming homeless is one of the main reasons children are put into foster care.
Cailíní Coastal launched mid-pandemic on April 30th 2020. Due to the overwhelming and urgent need, Cailíní Coastal committed to donating 100% of profits for the first six months of business to support Family Promise's work to help the families hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cailíní Coastal has donated over $150,000 since our launch to Family Promise to support their exceptional work.

My parents raised me to see everything I have in life as a gift. They taught me that the best way to show gratitude for those gifts is by giving back to others. I have always lived by that philosophy, so when I made the decision to start Cailíní Coastal, I knew that I also wanted to use it as a vehicle to help others. I was very fortunate to grow up with a loving family in a safe and beautiful home in the suburbs of New York City. My mom was diagnosed with ALS, a terminal illness, when I was in high school and passed away three years later. I was—and still am—so grateful to have had my incredible mom during the most formative years of my life. I was—and still am—so grateful for the support of my father, brother, and extended family and friends during the years she was sick and after her passing. The expenses resulting from the health care my mother needed were enormous. Thankfully, my father’s career allowed our family to pay those bills without going into debt or adding additional stress during an already difficult time. This experience heightened my awareness of families who might not have the same level of support and/or access to the resources needed to persevere in times of crisis. While researching organizations for Cailíní Coastal to partner with, I was particularly drawn to Family Promise. There was something about the founder’s story that deeply resonated with me. I sent the website to my father (who is now retired and spends his time supporting various charities) to get his thoughts. He asked me if the name of the organization sounded familiar to me; it didn’t. He told me that my mother was actively involved with Family Promise and that it was one of her favorite charities. In that moment, I knew this was the organization I needed to and was meant to work with. As a mother myself, I am particularly passionate about helping children and ensuring that their and their families’ basic needs—food, shelter—are met. I chose to partner with Family Promise because I vehemently share their vision of a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future. I thank you for your support and am thrilled that with every Cailíní Coastal purchase, together we can make a difference in these families’ lives.
With Gratitude,
Meg Young