Neutral Rugs

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Rugs are one of those simple yet significant touches you can add to really make a house feel like a home. Whether laid over carpets or hardwood flooring, the right rug can elevate the space and make it even more stylish and inviting. Our neutral-colored rugs from Cailini Coastal do all that and more. They also help to reduce noise, create distinct spaces within larger rooms and add comfortable padding underfoot. And with their subtle, soft colors, they'll never overpower the room with busy patterns or bright hues. Instead, they seamlessly become a part of the coastal-inspired decor that makes your home so effortlessly chic.

Choose from neutral rugs made with various materials that exude natural warmth. Jute and sisal add eye-catching textures, while wool offers plush softness. A variety of sizes are available for each rug style, and select designs are available in custom sizes upon request.