Furniture Care Instructions


Avoid placing furniture in areas with extreme variations of temperature and humidity. Placing a wooden piece in a room which fluctuates from being humid to being dry can cause the wood to crack as it absorbs and then releases moisture.

Avoid placing furniture directly in front of vents. Wood naturally contains a small amount of moisture. Placing a piece where it is bathed in a constant stream of dry air, whether from central air-conditioning or central heating, may cause the naturally occurring moisture to evaporate and may lead to cracking

Avoid placing hot objects on surfaces since heat can damage the finish. Always use protective pads under hot dishes and plates

Avoid exposing your piece to strong sunlight which can cause discoloration in finishes.

Avoid writing directly on the surface of your piece, as it may leave small indentation marks.

Avoid leaving water or other spills on your piece for any period of time as it may cause wood, veneers, and lacquer finishes to warp or bubble. Simply dab spills dry with a soft paper towel or a soft clean sponge. We recommend the use of coasters under glasses to avoid moisture rings.

Avoid spilling acetone or alcohol based fluids on your piece as they may dissolve finishes and leave unsightly spots. This does not apply to mirrored pieces which are impervious to most spills.

Many household items such as rubber-based placemats, phones, alarm clocks, lamps, computers, and decorative accent pieces use rubber-based plastic pads on the bottom. To prevent discoloration and chemical reaction with the finish, rotate these items regularly so they do not remain in the same place for extended periods of time. In the event that you cannot rotate a piece, we recommend the use of undyed felt pads instead.



Our rattan comes in two different types, natural and lacquered. To preserve the look of your rattan dust frequently with a dry cloth.

For lacquered rattan you can use a small amount of furniture polish to restore its shine.

Natural rattan: Blot spills immediately with a damp cloth. Do not rub the soiled area. Gently dab and blot instead, allowing remaining moisture to dry naturally. Rubbing can cause abrasions, permanently damaging the rattan.

For harder to remove stains, use a soft brush and mild soapy water and rinse well. Then let it dry naturally. Avoid the use of cleaners and abrasives, as these will damage the rattan.

For dusting, vacuum the rattan weaves periodically using a soft brush attachment or comb the surface with a soft bristle brush. This can help dislodge and remove some of the debris left behind in-between the weaves. Dust rattan poles with a soft cloth. Small, grass-like strands may protrude from the rattan weaves. Do not pull on them as doing so may damage the rattan peel. Instead, carefully trim the loose fibers with scissors.

Cracking may occur if left in direct sunlight or a dry environment. To prevent this, moisten the rattan every month using a damp white cotton cloth and let dry naturally. The use of a small humidifier in the room may also help protect from cracking. As rattan ages, it will take on a more muted shade for that lived-in look we love. To preserve its beauty, use it indoors and avoid exposure to the sun.

To protect the seats and backs on cane and wicker furniture, avoid putting undue stress (like standing or kneeling) on the rattan weave. Our rattan poles and weaves have a clear lacquer finish for added durability.



Avoid using glass cleaners on anything but glass and mirror. Ammonia can cause discoloration and dull the finish.

Our lacquer pieces come in both high-gloss and medium-gloss. Clean lacquer with a soft cloth or duster. Avoid rubbing hard as this may produce tiny scratches.



Our grasscloth pieces have been sealed with a clear coat of lacquer. The grasscloth finish is actually quite resilient.

Dust grasscloth furniture frequently to prevent accumulations which can be more difficult to remove.

If you spill water or a soft drink on them, simply dab them dry with a soft paper towel or a soft, clean sponge.

Light stains or blemishes may be removed with a soft brush (such as a toothbrush) and soap and water. Again, once you clean a stain, dry the piece immediately.